April Wright
Author of 5 CRAN packages
April Wright has worked on 5 packages. High five to April Wright! That's a respectable number of projects! April Wright worked with over 21 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
5 Packages
- RevticulateInteraction with "RevBayes" in R
- datelifeScientific Data on Time of Lineage Divergence for Your Taxa
- rwtyR We There Yet? Visualizing MCMC Convergence in Phylogenetics
- treedata.tableManipulation of Matched Phylogenies and Data using 'data.table'
- treestartrGenerate Starting Trees for Combined Molecular, Morphological and Stratigraphic Data
- Caleb Charpentier
- Brian O'Meara
- Jonathan Eastman
- Tracy Heath
- Klaus Schliep
- Scott Chamberlain
- Peter Midford
- Luke Harmon
- Joseph Brown
- Matt Pennell
- Mike Alfaro
- Luna L. Sanchez Reyes
- Emily Jane McTavish
- Dan Warren
- Anthony Geneva
- Rob Lanfear
- Diego Mallo
- Josef Uyeda
- Cristian Roman-Palacios
- Hugo Gruson
- Kari Norman